New Website!

Since the 1st of August, we have a new website! The professionalization of the Association over the years has resulted in a shift in preferences towards the website host Congressus. 

Now we can enjoy some new functions such as;

An almanac function under the tab of your profile, here you can see an overview of the members and easily search for profiles. On the profiles, there is for example, visible which committees people do or did and in which year they started their studies. Everyone can customize their own profile in the way they like and show what they want to be visible or not. Everyone's old committees and projectgroups can be visible on a profile which is fun to see. 

Further, in the photos you can 'tag' people who are on it. Then you can go to 'my photos' and see all your pictures together as a nice photo album. 

As a last new update, you are now able to fill in the declaration form directly online!

Have fun!



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