Dear Ibn’er, 

Are you experiencing some trouble and don’t know where to go or who to talk to? Do you need a listening ear about anything concerning university or student life in general? You can reach out to us at any given time, Evan (2nd-year Human Geography & Planning) and Wouter (2nd-year Spatial Planning & Design), your confidential counsellors of Ibn Battuta this year. As both Dutch and international students, we will be happy to help you as best as we possibly can with any issues. This is of course all confidential! 

Feel free to reach out to us via phone, email (, or of course approach us in person, if you see us wandering around Zernike.


Evan Aimone-cat and Wouter Withagen


Evan Aimone-cat

Confidential Counsellor

+33 6 37 92 80 73

Wouter Withagen

Confidential Counsellor

+31 6 81 87 89 08

Next to personal appointments with the Confidential Counsellors they also offer a form in which you can anonymously report occurences. Click here to access the form. 

This form should be used to notify that something occurred which violates Ibn Battuta's Code of Conduct. If something occurs during an activity, it can always be reported to the Confidential Counsellors or a Board Member present at this event. This form is used for reporting occurrences when you do not feel comfortable reporting it to the Confidential Counsellors or Board Members, and/ or want to be completely anonymous.

This form will only be sent to the Confidential Counsellors, Evan Aimone-cat and Wouter Withagen (so not to the Board). Every Tuesday, from 11.00 - 12.00, you also have the possibility to schedule a moment with them to talk.

Skyline Groningen