When you have a complaint about your study, courses taken at Faculty of Spatial Sciences or any other study-related issues, Pro Geo is the place to be at the Faculty.
Pro Geo serves the interests of all students at our Faculty. It knows all ways to guide your complaint to the right place, in order to make a real difference.
Issues and problems could regard exams, lecturers, instructors, a specific course, study program in general, counselors, etc. Please report and Pro Geo will take further care!
Solutions or steps taken could include; to drop by teachers, passing on the complaint to the Program Committee, taking it to the Faculty Council or in very serious cases directly to the Faculty Board. We do also have close relationships with both the educational director and the coordinators of each study program.
Please contact Pro Geo by sending an email (board@progeo.nl) or fill in the complaint form at www.progeo.nl . Of course, it’s also possible to directly address one of Pro Geo’s board members. All complaints and reports are handled with utmost care. As most problems are being solved, please let us know!